20 April 2010


I found this prayer in a book I was reading. It seems to sum up really well how frustrating "waiting" can sometimes be, but just how important it can be for our personal growth and faith!

We recently gave a presentation to a church whose focus was on preparing ourselves as individuals and as a Church for mission work. It could mean; a "calling" abroad, to another part of the country or as individuals within your local community.

This simple pray could be used as prayer of dedication, towards hearing God's direction for your life. We found it really good. Hope you enjoy it!

Love Rachel & Charley


Lord, I seem to spend my whole life waiting...

Waiting for the bus or train

Waiting in the queue at the supermarket

Waiting for the traffic lights to change

Waiting for the exam results to come

Waiting for the computer to start

Waiting to see the children's teacher

Waiting to see the doctor

Waiting for the results of hospital tests.

Help me to use my time wisely, to pray for those around me- the supermarket staff, the other passengers on the bus or train,

the local council who try to manage the traffic as best they can;

for teachers, doctors, nurses, all hospital staff... and others in the community who keep things moving.

I want to wait on you, Lord, too, for direction.

Guide my life - in its major directions as well as in the nitty-gritty details.

I put myself at your disposal again, Lord.

I do want to serve you and others with my life, Lord, I pray.


13 April 2010

Great news...

A lot has happened since our last blog. We have had a weeks holiday at home celebrating Easter, Alexandra's birthday and spending time with Charley's parents who visited us from The Lake District.

I have had a milestone birthday-the big '40' and spent it outdoors at Longleat, in the pouring rain! It was a great day out and everyone had fun, despite the weather.

It was also great preparation for getting used to some of the creepy crawlies we may come across in Arnhem Land.

Alexandra surprised me by wishing to hold, and handle, every kind of creepy crawly she could find. I just hope that we don't see too many snakes and spiders in Australia!

The great news is that we are almost fully supported.

We now have almost 200 on our prayer support list, and if all the financial help that has been promised is given, we will have reached the minimum that we need before we can go.

Praise the Lord!

We are trying to raise a further 10% before we depart as our support level decreases in December, but this isn't going to stop us.

We are off...

We hope to be leaving this country sometime in late June to begin our training in Melbourne. After that, we are to continue our training in Cairns for a week before finally arriving in Gove in August. Our anxiety over school places and start dates have been resolved. All of the children now have places guaranteed for their start dates in August. This is a real answer to pray.
A BIG thank you to ALL of you who we know have been praying for an answer to our children's schooling issues.

It is so humbling to know that you are all praying for us.

More updates soon.

All our Love

Rachel, Charley, William, Alexandra, Georgie & Freddie.