Where did October go!
Things have been really busy in the Stockley household during the last few weeks.
Freddie celebrated his seventh birthday with a "boy's only" off -roading experience, followed by a party at the local park.
Alexandra having fun at the park.
Georgie with one of Freddie's best friends, Bianca.
Bianca is one of the other MAF families children.
Other news; a few weeks ago, I began working temporarily at "The Homeland School" in Yirrkala as a teacher aid . A job which I am thoroughly enjoying. The children are beginning to get used to me working and we are establishing new routines to help with everyday jobs.
They are now; clearing up, washing up, drying up and putting everything away after each meal,without too much protesting!
Our next job is to prepare for the cyclone season. Recent reports in the local newspaper and on the local news channel are predicting the worst cyclone season in almost 15 years.
Stronger cyclones than average and more than normal are forecast.
Warmer sea surface temperatures around the Northern Territory coast are providing"favourable conditions" for tropical cyclones, as early as mid November.
As town inhabitants, we are being encouraged to tidy up our gardens and make sure anything outside is secure. We also need to find out the cyclone capacity of our house. All very exciting!
Christmas preparations are under way here in Nhulunbuy.
Every month the main town hall hosts a craft market. This Saturday we were treated to a visit from Father Christmas, festive music, a tree and a hall decked out with tinsel. All rather strange for October. I am only just beginning to get used to the idea of a warm Christmas!
As always thank you all for your prayers and support, without which we would not be
able to serve here, in Arnhem Land.
All our love and prayers
Charley, Rachel, William, Alexandra, Georgie & Freddie.