I(Rachel) can't believe another week has come and gone so quickly.
My weeks seem to go by in a blur of the mundane and the exciting.
Caught up in the everyday grind of washing,
(as well as dealing with a broken washing machine,
(as well as dealing with a broken washing machine,
not funny in house hold of six!)
ironing, ferrying children to clubs, shopping and cleaning, every woman's joy!
In contrast it has been really wonderful to get away from it all and meet some truly great people as part of our support raising for M.A.F. We have met individuals that we would never have met had it not been for our involvement with M.A.F. Individuals and groups who have said they will commit to pray for the work we will be part of in Arnhem Land and others who have promised to support us financially.
This coming Sunday we have a support raising talk coming up in a Church in Exeter so we would value your prayers.
I hope the weather is a bit warmer by the weekend too. I'm really looking forward to the Spring and warmer weather, one thing apart from crocodiles and buffalo's, Arnhem Land has plenty of.
It will be great to be able to walk in the Bluebell field's on Dartmoor like last year when warmer weather eventually appears. Roll on Spring!
It would be great to get some feedback from anyone reading our Blog.
We will update you soon.
Rachel, Charley and family.